(and a few TBS marathons later, too.)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
When FOX News says they like a movie...

you should probably run for cover.
After I heard the basic story behind 'Avatar', though, I must say...I'm not surprised FOX News is half-behindedly endorsing it. Cuz it's really like...Zoe Saldana as a blue Pocahontas (the Na'vi people in the movie are supposed to be, like, "noble savages") but in Second Life, if it were 1492 in the future.
So Pinkington basically suggests that the "meta-politics" of James Cameron's flick will resonate with lovers of the GreatWhiteHope trope--those who secretly or openly believe in the saving grace of a single-handed white person to tame the savages and save the white, or capitalist beneficiaries of the world.
Pinkington won't exactly own up to his accusations about how he expects "the left" to identify with 'Avatar', so instead he chalks up his admissions to "i report, you decide."
So allow me to translate:
Empire is going to think [and by that, i mean they already think] this is a great idea >> planetary imperialism.
So does art really imitate life?
just saying...just sayin.
6 days and counting!!
‘Real Housewives’ Cleared In 85% of U.S.

‘Real Housewives’ Cleared In 85% of U.S.: "NBC Universal has cleared its off-Bravo Real Housewives franchise in more tha..."
I'm late. But aha. I'll share the full extent of the "aha" once I've done a little research, but this explains a lot about the sudden now-you-see-Nene-next-season-you-won't speculations. 'Sheree's-friend-Tania" is cute, and Victoria Rowell is too, but...uh...
Not to mention--another tardy revelation (hehehehe): what in the heck does this Comcast-NBCU mean for RHoA?
Clearing 85%, eh?
If greater distribution, only--great.
If it means some show scrubbing for the ATL ladies...mm. mm. some dare them. including me.
I'm late. But aha. I'll share the full extent of the "aha" once I've done a little research, but this explains a lot about the sudden now-you-see-Nene-next-season-you-won't speculations. 'Sheree's-friend-Tania" is cute, and Victoria Rowell is too, but...uh...
Not to mention--another tardy revelation (hehehehe): what in the heck does this Comcast-NBCU mean for RHoA?
Clearing 85%, eh?
If greater distribution, only--great.
If it means some show scrubbing for the ATL ladies...mm. mm. some dare them. including me.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Golden Globes' Black Newcomer Guilt

If you Tivo'd last Tuesday's Leno, you can check the Precious star's (Gabourey Sidibe) insane *NSYNC trivia skills demonstrated as she sat with Lance Bass.
Not hating, but brief sidebar:
With the Golden Globes being a somewhat reasonable predictor of Oscar season nominations and all...does anybody suspect/think [*cough, sputter....cough] that H'W'D and the "Hollywood Foreign Press" make attempts to mask their [oh-so-apparent] prejudice with Black newcomer nods?
Reference J-Hud in '07.
NOT--REPEAT--NOT HATING! i'm jus'sayin.
i know we have to save room for Meryl Streep, who could get nominated without helm-ing anything, but dang homie.
7 days and counting!!
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