maybe she wouldn't be a bad addition to RHoA after all.
Really?? Really?? Now just because they made it didn't mean you should...<*sighs...>
Nene said she got camera cojones, but, uh... maybe she ain't the only one.
I am a little biased here. But I really feel--bias aside--that 'tis the season (in particular, cuz it's always been the season...) to discuss redistribution of wealth.
Like, go-hard.
I've seen one really solid documentary critique of capitalism proper before (The Corporation, 2004), but perhaps Mike's visibility and the heavy rotation of our current 'financial crisis' will make "Capitalism: A Love Story" (Michael Moore) cut a little deeper.
Cuz if Bernie Sanders (I-VT) can almost discuss redistribution of wealth on 'Colbert', maybe we can talk about Huey P's theory of Intercommunalism. [go read To Die For the People].
Why does it matter enough for me to take the time to post something about Turner (the people who bring you CNN, TBS, TNT, Adult Swim, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera) selling a "Netblock" to AT&T?
Because it is pretty significant evidence of the Internet's monstrously effective equalizing ability. You--the user of the Internet and bearer of invisible money--have, in part, forced many a big business to change their gotcha!-strategies to make you spend said invisible money.
Turner used to gamble your eyeballs on TV advertisement slots, but YOU watch what you feel like watching when you feel like watching it on your computer a lot more often now. And that's become a big enough problem that AT&T and Turner (one of the largest [monopolizers][j/k! ...wink.] in the media game) think it's worth it to gamble your eyeballs on...drumroll...