Thursday, January 7, 2010
Iranian Film Festival 2010 >> Run right through Freer
Yours truly is particularly intrigued by the doc titled Consulting God Estekhareh, by Mohammad Sadegh Jafari. Abbas Kiarostami will be live and in full effect all festival long. Peep the fest descriptor below.
The Freer Gallery of Art is located at Jefferson Drive and 12th St., SW, Wash., DC. Metro map it.
In Freer's own words:
The Freer’s fourteenth annual festival of Iranian films presents five new films
and a video installation by Abbas Kiarostami. This series is organized by Carter
Long of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and with the support of ILEX
Foundation: Olga M. Davidson and Niloofar Fotouhi.Headliner, Abbas Kiarostami (with the stunna shades on) discussing his directorial style.
'Volcano Eruption' just ahead of Festival Flurries

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
reBlog from Blackboxoffice: Tavis Smiley Ends State of the Black Union Series

SHOCK! DISMAY! Whaaaaa????! Courtesy of Black Box Office:
The State of the Black Union (SOBU) symposium has been one of the most anticipated events for millions of African Americans during the last decade, but after 10 years of conversations, founder Tavis Smiley has announced the end of the series.
Blackboxoffice, Tavis Smiley Ends State of the Black Union Series, Jan 2010
You should read the whole article.
NAACP Image Award Noms Announced

Veiled Threat | B*tch Magazine
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
yesi'mHATIN: 'Avatar' tops $1bn ww, and $8m on a schoolday
And the only reason i'm breaking my silence (again...) on 'Avatar' is cuz, yes, I'm HATING!
James Cameron has made it official: he's not worried about competition, he IS the competition.Sundance & Reggae Film Fest 2010!!
You could just, like...watch the channel for free, tho...
But that is all! If you're feeling indie, go sign up for Sundance alerts to receive a short download link. :-) Niiiiiiice.
Check the 'Reggae in the Ruff' promo below:
Monday, January 4, 2010
Check Out IFP's Filmmaker Labs...(pssst: it's freeeeeeeeeee)

Essence: Vintage Vamp and Black H'W'D Reincarnated
"Everybody comes back to get their money. I believe she came back as Oprah." Where has Ms. Harris reappeared...
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Night Watch: Keke Palmer as Roxanne Shante...
Keke Palmer--of 'Akeelah and the Bee' and (new-school) Nickelodeon fame, has been set to star as the legendary femcee since 2007.
Fembassy!!!!? OMG!! *now these is stupid.*
The 17min. doc eavesdrops on the indeed legendary Roxanne Shante and Bahamadia, and tru-schoolers Stacy Epps, Eternia, Shortee, and Invincible as they skip through Europe (and the 'hoods of international haters) as part of We-B-Girlz --independent women in Hip Hop tour.
Too appropriate.
You woulda thunk [sic] bytwenty8 told 'em to say what they gon' say about "staying 'woke" and mindful entertainment buuuuuuuuut I didn't. It's just a simple truth that kindred spirits share. Go check the entire doc out over HERE at Invincible's site. Fembassy is airing interviews with all of the ladies on the weekly. And you'd be wise to follow Fembassy en general--it's your #1 source for Femcees. Tha bizness.
"Now these is stupid."
Reel 'Round Town | JAN 2010 in DMV so far...

>> "Jazz in the District" @ BloomBars, 1/6
"Garbage Dreams" from ITVS & Community Cinema DC @ Busboys & Poets, 1/24
- Fred Haas signing of The Assassination of Fred Hampton @ Sankofa, 1/31, 3pm
Vintage Is The Nu-Nu

The most memorable moment in 80 Blocks From Tiffany’s has got to be when community organizer, Ms. Joan breaks up a would-be scrap on the corners of late 1970s South Bronx. She takes the DJ’s mic and admonishes the block party crowd—rimmed with ‘hood leaders and the ghetto’s most prone to NYPD hyper-surveillance.
“Freak! Now I mean, freak! We came here to party, hear??”
She breaks her sternness with a smile, the two so-called gangsters she broke up agree to fight tomorrow, and the DJ cranks again.
Now that’s “vintage.”
Within the last decade, folks mourned and beat the horse past dead about Hip Hop’s fate. More than anything, what undergirded these discussions was a longing—not just for content that would nourish the aught-sick soul (riddled with degradation and commercial compromise) but for Movement that would protect that space where we can “freak” and let our minds be free (in the midst of social turbulence and chaos).
So it’s not such a terrible thing that SNL'er (yes) Gary Weis couldn’t churn the 80 Blocks doc out sooner en masse than October 2009. He made it in ’79 alongside Jon Bradshaw and George Van Noy under the tag Togg Films, Above Average and Late Nite Productions.
Where do we go from here, Hip Hop?
All the answers we could ever want are staring us down our backs. Sankofa.