Here are several moments that have moved me to mourn Dave's deucing (I will always respect the reasons why, though) and general comedic genius in sketch format. List includes some of my own imaginings and guesses at what he and Neal (Brennan) might cook up:
- Dick Cheney's shooting incident (and general 'immortality')
- Hugo Chavez at the UN in 2006 (Mugabe, too)
- Bush getting hit by shoe
- The entire 2008 Presidential Election--EVERY.SINGLE.PIECE. (Rev. Wright-Sarah Palin-Hillary-Obama-McCain--ALL OF IT.)
- the OD coverage of the 'unmarriageable Black woman' debate BUT merged somehow with Lil' Jon in Love
- Tiger Woods >> Another Race Trade
- From my Twitter-roll today >> RT: @jordanrubin "You're free to board and you have a tumor." RT @cnnbrk: Dutch to use full-body scans at airports after terror incident.
- Rutgers' - Imus
- Michael Steele, RNC Chair, uncensored. period.
- Whitney Houston's comeback
- 2050: the year people of color are projected to outnumber White people in the U.S.
- Nobel Peace Prize 2009
- Bush Administration at word of Fidel's illness
- Frontline special like the racist H'W'D pets spot, EXCEPT the feature is alternate uses of hot grits in Black History--leading up to Chris Breezy and Rihanna
- Hot air balloon boy
- Swine Flu parody of the 1970s vaccine commercials (see here--shoutout to Jess Law!! LOL)
I know I'm missing SO much more. CONTINUE THIS LIST!!!
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