Not cut from the same ideological cloth, but family nonetheless, I cannot let this month end without posting this, late or not. Commemorating Kwanzaa brought to mind the "slight" beef between this camp--who I gotta talk about--and the USO, also founded by Maulana Karenga (who I told you to Google).
I just came across this extensive interview conducted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez of Democracy Now! in NYC.
View the entire show, dedicated to the memory of Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. The two were assassinated December 4, 1969 at 4:45a by the Chicago Police and FBI in what has become one of many State-led medieval-style Inquisitions against domestic heresy, critical action and theory. And all of the above made the BPP a site of State... discomfort to say the least.
Find a friend and check the film, The Murder of Fred Hampton online once you finish. Then, like VH1 might admonish: "Watch & Discuss." I just came across this extensive interview conducted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez of Democracy Now! in NYC.
View the entire show, dedicated to the memory of Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. The two were assassinated December 4, 1969 at 4:45a by the Chicago Police and FBI in what has become one of many State-led medieval-style Inquisitions against domestic heresy, critical action and theory. And all of the above made the BPP a site of State... discomfort to say the least.
But beyond that, and adopting a spirit of unity and awareness remember, too.
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