Simon Cowell: Who should replace him on 'American Idol'?
Michael Slezak speculates about his picks for heirs to the accurately scribed "cranky Brit"s throne.
Pharrell (N*E*R*D) is one of EW's contenders, but what's more is the consummation of an Inglorious Basterd, QUENTIN TARANTINO!!!!! Talk about a judge who'll let you down like a brick! I mean, let's keep'i'reeeeal--when it's over, that's the time you're going to miss somebody keepin'it'real. That's the sustaining power of the American Idol franchise (at least the pregame...). All those epic and viral moments of chagrin. smh.
(Random Post Script: per EntertainmentWeekly's last noontime Tweet >> y'all need to stop acting like Ryan Seacrest is so Disney sedate! That man probably could see Simon in a dark alley...watch the gel...)
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