You must read 7 things i've thought about erykah badu and her "window seat" video from Very Smart Brothas {dot} com.
This post is pure, 100% comedy central. And I think it aptly sums up my own internal Scooby-Doo arrr-errr...?'s in the aftermath of addressed hallabaloo.
There are several money shots in this post, but here's one to consider if you're quick to erect dichotomies of Kulcha versus Culture:
"The overwhelmingly positive response (and condescension towards those who disagree) to this vid is more proof that, in the “cultured” corner of the black community, the headwrap gets you a pass.
mind you, i’m not passing judgment on the artistic merit of the video, but there’s no doubt in my mind that the general sentiment would be much less supportive if keri hilson or nicky minaj or ciara or anyone else not named erykah badu or india.arie or jill scott pulled a similar stunt."
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