Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HAD TO BLOG ABOUT THIS VIDEO!!! Kid Cudi and Nez Khammal Make Me Fall in Love...

For the full scoop--since somebody at Esquire already beat me to it--check out this guy's article on the revolutionary split screen effect that makes me so remember how much i love editing.


( least half a 'ha!' because i really do love to edit, it's just...y'know...tedious...)
"...Making Split-Screen Cool Again" by Paul Schrodt

I'm currently sick as a dog, and slightly swimming (oh, i'm a comedienne...) in responsibilities. I feel entirely ineffective right now, and there's so much more on that later at an offline address. But in the meantime, nothing could possibly make me happier than this here bottle of Pedialyten (X-p) and Nez Khammal's ridiculous eye for symmetry and pastels.

Fug loneliness. Give me a mattress.
...and a T.V. (with cable).
And nothing lower than a Basic iLEAP score for all three classes.
That's it.
Wait, I left something out. And jobs for everybody. Breakthrough ratings for The CW's remakes. Friends that can pay their rent.


(did you notice how i said absolutely nothing about the content of said song?)
