So what is Bytwenty8 anyway? Well...

Bytwenty8 is the DMV (DC/MD/VA) beginner's guide to storytelling through film.

Bytwenty8 is a piece of mischief, indeed. The goal here isn't to entertain as much as it is to //Get You Woke//

Bytwenty8 compiles all the essential professional development resources you need to become an amazing DMV filmmaker so you don't have to. //Grand Hustle//

Bytwenty8 is giving you food for thought and conversation starters in between your hustle. See it in the form of industry news and current events about projects in production (Don Cheadle as Miles Davis biopic), entertainment brain drains (Nicki Minaj answers B-More's Keys), and film theory perspective you don't have to pay $50K a year to get (Check my response to Manthia Diawara's "Black Spectatorship: Problems of Identification & Resistance"). //Redux//

Why must it be by 28?
By twenty 8 is my personal 5-year plan. If you were born in '87, it can be your 5-year plan, too. But by 2015, yours truly would like to make a lot of headway where her own career in film is concerned, and TRUST, film school isn't enough to make you a filmmaker. You are oh-so-much-more than welcome to join me in this endeavor...and then some others I'm tackling right now...cough...ahem! But the more that join the game, the merrier, fam!

Stay woke! Hustle hard!
