Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Best Black Movies of the Decade? Hit or Miss??

BlackVoices has compiled its own list of top 10 Black feature films.

The list does indeed include a Tyler Perry-Madea jam. But does it all check out?

Shoulda been Chappelle sketches...

Have you ever watched or read the news and thought, "MAN! I wish Chappelle's Show was still running."

Here are several moments that have moved me to mourn Dave's deucing (I will always respect the reasons why, though) and general comedic genius in sketch format. List includes some of my own imaginings and guesses at what he and Neal (Brennan) might cook up:

  1. Dick Cheney's shooting incident (and general 'immortality')

  2. Hugo Chavez at the UN in 2006 (Mugabe, too)

  3. Bush getting hit by shoe

  4. The entire 2008 Presidential Election--EVERY.SINGLE.PIECE. (Rev. Wright-Sarah Palin-Hillary-Obama-McCain--ALL OF IT.)

  5. the OD coverage of the 'unmarriageable Black woman' debate BUT merged somehow with Lil' Jon in Love

  6. Tiger Woods >> Another Race Trade

  7. From my Twitter-roll today >> RT: @jordanrubin "You're free to board and you have a tumor." RT @cnnbrk: Dutch to use full-body scans at airports after terror incident.

  8. Rutgers' - Imus

  9. Michael Steele, RNC Chair, uncensored. period.

  10. Whitney Houston's comeback

  11. 2050: the year people of color are projected to outnumber White people in the U.S.

  12. Nobel Peace Prize 2009

  13. Bush Administration at word of Fidel's illness

  14. Frontline special like the racist H'W'D pets spot, EXCEPT the feature is alternate uses of hot grits in Black History--leading up to Chris Breezy and Rihanna

  15. Hot air balloon boy

  16. Swine Flu parody of the 1970s vaccine commercials (see here--shoutout to Jess Law!! LOL)

I know I'm missing SO much more. CONTINUE THIS LIST!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Um, So KFC would like to brighten up (like Sosa)...

(and by 'us', i mean 'you', cuz i'm is a vegetarian.) [sic]

anywho--this is the second post across channels, that i've seen today about "racist KFC ads"--one Korean c/o Bossip, the other cricket-English-friendly c/o MediaBistro:

Read on at AgencySpy for what the heck is going on...(not that it matters...)

PSA for NY'ers: NYC Film Networking & Extreme Makeover Headshot 2


So if you've got a reel, a nickel and dimepiece, and no dates at 8:00 you should check out this event I just learned of from the Black Theatre Network! Eh? Eh?

The event will power forward until 11p, and it will be held at DROM 85 Avenue A (between 5th & 6th sts). Check the full scoop on FB (Black Theatre Network).

This is open to those who are:
* Actors
* Models
* Directors
* Producers
* Agents
* Screenwriters
* Casting Directors
* Cinematographers
* Composers
* Editors

Enjoy. Tell somebody I sent you! (wink)

Final word on RealWorldDC (i hope). A DMV Event--

tomorrow (12/30) at the Tattoo Bar, 1413 K St., NW.

Yeah. Some of the guys from the cast of Real World DC will be partying it up as Tattoo hosts the MTV premiere of RWDC. It doesn't look like you'll catch B-More Ty. (Hm...)

They're advising folks buy tix so you can skip the line, but from what I gather, I think you should prep yourself for a lot of...oh, i don't should I say this...'extra-ness'? Think tinsel-y glitter without the grit.

If you go, just remember you were warned.

Spike Lee

Check out the S&A word on the street. Spike to debut the on-screen version of the staged performance on PBS in January.

I miss Dilla...'History', Mos Def y Talib Kweli Preview

Catch the video sneakpeek over at (gosh, i love those guys...). The Dilla effect will strike your spinal right away.

Video directed by Coodie & Chike. (i think i'm lovin these guys, too.)

Says TheFrisky: 10 Worst Sex Scenes Of 2009

Only TheFrisky. L.O.L. Promise its (mostly) tame enough for the prude.

Monday, December 28, 2009


There is a balm.

I gotta agree with RS's song of the decade, so for the cause of said anarchy...

The top 4 contenders on the Rolling Stone's (obligatory) decade list include among them "Hey Ya!" (below) by Outkast (9/2003) and "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley (2006). If ever there were more accurate and organic (that is to say, non-compulsory) additions to a decade list, these songs would have to be winnahhhhs.

Embodying the turbulence of the decade in ink blots and split-personality disorders is oh so appropriate. Think of the '00s as the: 'you didn't see anything' decade. Here's why, as I attempt to put the 'psychological imbalance' of the '00s in social, political, and economic context--starting with the...

First recount (2000). OH SNAP!

Then 9/11 (2001). SNAP!

Then the DC Sniper plus Oscar wins for Denzel-Halle (2002). DOUBLE SNAP!

U.N. Bumble[flip] starring Colin Powell and WMD receipts (2003). TRIPLE SNAP!

And another recount... plus tata-gate (2004). WTH!

KATRINA and Condi's untimely stiletto preoccupation (2005). DAMMIT!

So what's an AFRICOM? A Blackwater? Dick Cheney's way of saying STFlipU...and Dave Chappelle, don't go!!!!!! (2006)

What about a troop surge? About that Imus dude... Then Megan Wms, the Jena 6, NJ4, and thatguy Obama...gosh he makes great songs. (2007)

Hmmm...I'm feeling like a 'bout you? But pass that hope-dope pipe another round. (Obama '08)

And now....presenting Bumbleflip 102: HealthcareRecessionAfghanistanPakistan 2009!
...It wasn't because I didn't know enough/I just knew too much. --Gnarls Barkley 2006

BET gives Swaggtastic Shoutout to WALE!!

That's the name don't forget it. BET called Wale one of the 'Best Looks of 2009'. He's most Hood Fab. How nice. DMV and Um Ricka's Finest (I LOVE THAT SONG! It's with K'Naan! aaaaaggghh!) has a pretty urrea-tastic video reel, too. There's no mistaking where he comes from all the way around:

ft. Lady Gaga - Chillin'

Nike Boots >> D.C. should own Nike, f'real...

W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E. >> Peep the jersey!

Real World DC: Gentrification 101

Indeed, the cast pictures of the D.C. Real World-ers are yet another nail in the 'Chocolate-City-wha? 'coffin. (pictures from December 30th, MTV premiere.

Spike Lee sneak peeks MJ's 'This Is It'

Don't expect concert footage. Spike did it up something proper, and started in Gary, Ind. like a true documentarian might--but more than that--probably like MJ would have liked it: short-film style.

Read on over at Rolling Stone.

Michael Jackson - This Is It - Directed by Spike Lee from 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks on Vimeo.

Today is 'Ujima', but...

I'm waiting on @GeeDee215 for my alternate principle. (L.O.L.)

Ujima means collective work and responsibility. The green candle on the farthest right is light. (The center black candle, umoja, and far left red candle, kujichagulia, are re-lit as well.)

I can get down.

Jam boogie to the following until next post...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

okay, it me?

Or is Laz Alonso just the simple truth? Sorry...nothing else.
That is all.

If you're in the DC area for New Year's--

Definitely a lot going on.
But if you want to ring in the year on a doper than average note, check out the following goings-on all week long:
12/27 Goapele is kickin it over at Bohemian Caverns tonight!
12/28 BloomBars is hosting open mic night in Columbia Heights.
12/30 The night before New Year's Eve, the Washington Film Institute will be holding Eve of NYE Celebrations on M St (PENUltimate). You get to watch movies!! And fraternize, too.
12/31 Busboys & Poets is kickin' it with One Nation Under A Groove come New Year's Eve, and there will be a nice mobile celebration between the 14th & V and 5th & K locations.
beyond 1/1/10 The Black Nativity is playing at H Street Playhouse through Jan 3.
There will be various Kwanzaa events throughout the city all week long.
Check Anacostia Community Museum for events every evening. Union Temple Baptist Church is one of many area churches hosting week long events in the area as well. Don't sit inside!

KOS (Determination) -- favorite.

This might be my favorite principle.

And here's a sing-along jam to kick off this second day of Kwanzaa. Light the Umoja candle again (black), and the red candle on the farthest left. That is the kujichagulia candle.

Enjoy. (Vinia Mojica & Blackstar)
