Monday, December 28, 2009

I gotta agree with RS's song of the decade, so for the cause of said anarchy...

The top 4 contenders on the Rolling Stone's (obligatory) decade list include among them "Hey Ya!" (below) by Outkast (9/2003) and "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley (2006). If ever there were more accurate and organic (that is to say, non-compulsory) additions to a decade list, these songs would have to be winnahhhhs.

Embodying the turbulence of the decade in ink blots and split-personality disorders is oh so appropriate. Think of the '00s as the: 'you didn't see anything' decade. Here's why, as I attempt to put the 'psychological imbalance' of the '00s in social, political, and economic context--starting with the...

First recount (2000). OH SNAP!

Then 9/11 (2001). SNAP!

Then the DC Sniper plus Oscar wins for Denzel-Halle (2002). DOUBLE SNAP!

U.N. Bumble[flip] starring Colin Powell and WMD receipts (2003). TRIPLE SNAP!

And another recount... plus tata-gate (2004). WTH!

KATRINA and Condi's untimely stiletto preoccupation (2005). DAMMIT!

So what's an AFRICOM? A Blackwater? Dick Cheney's way of saying STFlipU...and Dave Chappelle, don't go!!!!!! (2006)

What about a troop surge? About that Imus dude... Then Megan Wms, the Jena 6, NJ4, and thatguy Obama...gosh he makes great songs. (2007)

Hmmm...I'm feeling like a 'bout you? But pass that hope-dope pipe another round. (Obama '08)

And now....presenting Bumbleflip 102: HealthcareRecessionAfghanistanPakistan 2009!
...It wasn't because I didn't know enough/I just knew too much. --Gnarls Barkley 2006

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