I wrote the following entry for moretanthanmost in 2008. Moretanthanmost was a summer outfit I got into over at Today.com. (I. PROMISE. YOU. David Letterman is a biter!) But anywho, as ludicrous as it sounds, the U.S. as a nation-state did not cease to regard Nelson Mandela as a terrorist with the events of February 11, 1990. It wasn't until 2008 that the U.S. moved away from calling active resistors of apartheid terrorists--on the record. Read on. I just might run through the Avalon to catch a showing of the much ballyhooed Invictus. What do you think? What are your thoughts?
american terrorist, pt 2
Published by jess_johnson--July 1, 2008
Now! I pick on John McCain because he’s running for president. Don’t view this as an exercise in un-american-ness (the week of the 4th…) we salute YOU, sir, we salute YOU! [insert side-eye signal here.]
Federalies can stay off my doorstep, thnxmch. But let’s take a closer look at how we define ‘the enemy’ and how we celebrate those who ‘defend’ ‘us’ against ‘them’. Here’s the brutal truth: 2 in 10 people living in the United States are terrorists and half don’t even know their status!
(according to a convenient sample…)
(okay…i referenced myself)
Here are a few telltale signs YOU could be a terrorist:
- You thought the Dalai Lama was a good person.
- You remotely* resemble Sean Bell or Amadou Diallo. (*are within a 2-ft range of their height; within or beyond their complexion gradation; below or over 200lbs; own any article of clothing of the same fabric/style/color…)
- You live near a levee, toxic waste center, or playground with chipped paint.
- There are checkpoints in your neighborhood, but 911 kinda takes a while in case of emergency…hope you got a Plan B!!
- Speaking of Plan B–you know, have had, or expect to have an underweight child and only your local convenience store has baby formula…if you have one.
- You’ve noticed a hike in your property tax–and is there a Starbucks coming to your town?
- You have an “accent.”
- You admire Baron Davis. Rick Ross. G. Garvin. Or maybe you just don’t prefer to shave it off right away…
- You wrap your head for reasons of faith/style/bad hair day.
If you agreed to one or more of these statements, you could be a terrorist. SUCKS TO BE YOU!! (and me??)
Who’s left to be ‘us’?
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